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Clinical & Translational Research Core

Clinical & Translational Research Core

The clinical research infrastructure at the Wyss Institute facilitates informed and accelerated product development. Human clinical studies are a unique and critical facet of the Institute and, together with animal studies, are central to our technology development and translational efforts. We have vast ongoing clinical research efforts, with more than 50 active human and preclinical/non-human subjects research studies.

Our clinical research team supports the clinical studies at the Institute and across our collaborating institutions, ensuring compliance with Good Clinical Practice and other applicable federal and university regulations. The team is the central liaison between study personnel, participants, the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the Committee on Microbiological Safety (COMS). Our staff also provide assistance with study design, protocol implementation, coordination, training on clinical protocols, data collection, participant enrollment and maintenance of study documentation and files. These capabilities are a driving force for the successful translation of research and laboratory innovations at the Wyss Institute.

Similar to human clinical trials, the Institute recognizes that pre-clinical animal work is equally important. Our pre-clinical animal resources include consultation in study design, direct veterinary and technical support, and species-specific training in experimental techniques. The infrastructure of the Wyss Institute ensures that animals are used judiciously and that their role in science is refined, and well-reasoned. Consistent with the 3R’s (replacement, reduction and refinement) of animals in research, the Wyss champions technologies that one day could become alternatives to the use of animals for scientific purposes.

What we offer

The Wyss Institute's Clinical and Translational Research Core (CTRC) provides the following resources: clinical research, pre-clinical and animal work, biosafety and lab safety.


Learn More About Our Clinical Research Studies