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Bench-to-Business Boot Camp


The Bench-to-Business Boot Camp, hosted by Harvard’s Office of Technology Development, is a two-day workshop on May 1 and 2 for Harvard PhD students and postdocs, designed to teach you the skills to recognize and convey the value of scientific and technological innovations to the world of industry, business, and entrepreneurship.

Bench-to-Business Boot Camp

Who can participate?

All Harvard University PhD students and postdocs are eligible to apply! The Boot Camp will be useful to researchers in any scientific field, including physical sciences, life sciences, biomedical sciences, engineering, and public health. Please note: You must be able to commit to attending both full-day sessions.

What will I get out of the Boot Camp?

  • You’ll learn important skills you can’t acquire from your benchmate, and become a more competitive, well-rounded job applicant
  • You’ll become a savvier scientist, able to lead more translational research
  • You’ll expand your network and meet other researchers who share your interests
  • You’ll gain exposure to promising career options outside of academia
  • You’ll develop a greater appreciation for the real-world impact of scientific innovation
  • You’ll remember why your research matters — and learn how to convince others, too

How do I sign up for the Boot Camp?

Seats are limited, and in order to participate, you’ll need to apply first. Please submit your résumé and a cover letter explaining your interest in the Boot Camp to OTD by April 1, 2019, using the link below. This is a hard deadline, and selected participants will be notified by April 15. The Boot Camp takes place on May 1 and 2 at Harvard Medical School, and if selected you must be able to attend both days in full.

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