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7 Results for 'Asthma'
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- News (4)
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Technologies 1
News 4
Multimedia 2
Video/AnimationProject ABBIEProject ABBIE is inspired by the story of Abbie Benford, who succumbed to complications related to anaphylaxis just eight days before her 16th birthday. The Wyss Institute, in collaboration with Boston Children’s Hospital, is developing a wearable, non-invasive device that could sense anaphylaxis and automatically inject epinephrine in individuals who are unable to do so...
Video/AnimationSmall Airway-on-a-Chip: Modeling COPD and AsthmaDevelopment of new therapeutics for chronic lung diseases have been hindered by the inability to study them in vitro. To address this challenge, Wyss Institute researchers used their Organ-on-a-Chip technology to produce a microfluidic ‘human lung small airway-on-a-chip.’ The device, which is composed a clear rubber material, is lined by living Human lung small airway...