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9 Results for 'Biofilm-integrated Nanofiber Display (BIND)'
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News 6
Multimedia 3
Video/AnimationSelf-regenerating bacterial hydrogels as intestinal wound patchesThis animation explains how self-regenerating bacterial hydrogels could be used as adhesive patches to help intestinal wounds heal. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University.
Audio/PodcastBiofilms: Reprogramming Bacteria to Improve LivesWyss Core Faculty member Neel Joshi and Postdoctoral Fellow Anna Duraj-Thatte discuss the intersection between synthetic biology and materials science as an underexplored area with great potential to positively affect our daily lives—applications ranging from manufacturing to medicine. Dr. Joshi outlines ways that his lab at the Wyss Institute is looking at reprogramming bacteria in...
Video/AnimationBIND BiofilmIn this video Wyss Institute Core Faculty member Neel Joshi and Postdoctoral Fellow Peter Nguyen describe how their protein engineering system called BIND (Biofilm-Integrated Nanofiber Display) could be used to redefine biofilms as large-scale production platforms for biomaterials that can be programmed to provide functions not possible with existing materials. An animation depicts how it...