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21 Results for ''
Video/AnimationAminoX: Making Better Protein Drugs, Quicker and CheaperA synthetic biology and advanced chemistry platform that efficiently incorporates non-standard amino acids by hacking the ubiquitous protein synthesis process. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Audio/PodcastIdeas to Innovation – From Lab to Life: The Transformative Power of Synthetic BiologyRapid advancements in technology and science are shaping a new era, with artificial intelligence and synthetic biology, or “syn-bio,” at the forefront. Heralded as the next big leap in science, syn-bio involves redesigning organisms for useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities. The importance of syn-bio for people and our planet cannot be...
Video/AnimationNucleoTide – CRISPR-based biosensors for rapidly detecting harmful marine microbesThe warming of the oceans due to climate change has increased the frequency and potency of harmful algal blooms. These algae species produce toxins that can harm or even kill people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds. Researchers at the Wyss Institute are working to develop inexpensive sensors that could detect dangerous algae species earlier...
Audio/PodcastTranslating SynBio with Jim CollinsThe BIOS Podcast by Alix Ventures features experts and thought leaders in healthcare & life sciences. We bring you cutting-edge insights from executives, investors, founders, scientists, academics, and more. BIOS is a community of early stage healthcare and life sciences founders and investors. It is anchored by Alix Ventures, a San Francisco-based venture fund that invests in early stage...
Video/AnimationeToehold: an RNA-detecting control element for use in RNA therapeutics, diagnostics and cell therapiesThis animation shows an example of an eToehold that detects and signals the presence of a specific viral RNA in a human cell. After the virus has injected its RNA into a host cell, the RNA acts as a “trigger RNA” by binding to a complementary sequence within the eToehold specifically engineered for its detection....
Video/AnimationmiSherlock – Detecting COVID-19 Variants from SalivaDespite increasing vaccination rates, new, more-infectious variants of SARS-CoV-2 could prolong the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University and MIT have created a low-cost, CRISPR-based diagnostic platform that can detect SARS-CoV-2 variants in a patient’s saliva without the need for any additional equipment. The team hopes their device will enable more...
Video/AnimationBeating Back the Coronavirus – COVID-19 detecting face maskUsing freeze-dried cell free reactions and CRISPR-based biosensors, researchers at the Wyss Institute and M.I.T. have created a face mask that can detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a wearer’s breath in under 90 minutes. Such a mask would allow medical professionals to quickly identify COVID-19 patients and begin effective treatments. This facemask is a proof-of-concept...
Video/AnimationWearable Synthetic Biology – Clothing that can detect pathogens and toxinsWhat if we could create clothing that harnesses synthetic biology to detect the wearer’s exposure to toxins and pathogens? A team of researchers at the Wyss Institute and M.I.T. did just that byembedding freeze-dried, synthetic biology-based sensors into flexible materials and textiles. These sensors can detect pathogens such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus and toxins such...
Audio/PodcastHarnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence & Synthetic Biology To Usher In A New Age of Drug Discovery: Jim Collins3 Takeaways features intimate conversations and insights from the world’s best thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians, scientists, and other newsmakers. Each episode ends with the 3 key takeaways the leading figure has learned over their career. It’s hosted by Lynn Thoman. James Collins, Wyss Core Faculty member and co-inventor of the technology behind Covid vaccines,...
Video/AnimationUsing deep learning to detect cancerous skin lesionsMelanoma is a very severe cancer that is often diagnosed too late to save patients’ lives, and most people do not regularly visit a dermatologist for skin exams. Early-stage identification of suspicious pigmented lesions (SPLs), ideally by primary care providers, could lead to improved melanoma prognosis. Researchers at the Wyss Institute and MIT have developed...
Audio/PodcastLab Notes #1 | A wearable diagnostic for COVID-19The Allen Institute is dedicated to answering some of the biggest questions in bioscience and accelerating research worldwide. They are a recognized leader in large-scale research with a commitment to openly sharing their data, tools and knowledge with scientists around the world. In the first episode of their podcast Lab Notes, they interview Wyss Core...
Audio/PodcastFrom the Old Chemistry Set to the New ‘BioBits,’ Cutting-Edge Kit to Teach BiologyFrom the Old Chemistry Set to the New ‘BioBits,’ Cutting-Edge Kit to Teach Biology was originally broadcast on WBUR on November 23, 2018. This story features Wyss Core Faculty member James Collins. The original broadcast story can be found here.
Video/AnimationBioBitsResearchers at the Wyss Institute, MIT, and Northwestern University have collaborated to create “BioBits,” a low-cost, shelf-stable educational kit to teach synthetic and molecular biology in K-12 classrooms. The kit utilizes freeze-dried cell-free reactions that eliminate the need for growing living cells in order to perform biological experiments. Different modules in the kit teach students...
Audio/PodcastDisruptive: Rapid, Low-Cost Detection of Zika & Future PandemicsThe rapid emergence of the Zika virus on the world stage calls for a detection system that is just as quick. In this episode of Disruptive, Wyss Core Faculty member and MIT professor Jim Collins and University of Toronto Assistant Professor Keith Pardee discuss how they developed a low cost, paper-based diagnostic platform that can...
Video/AnimationDetecting Zika: A platform for rapid, low-cost diagnosticsIn this video, a team of collaborators led by Wyss Core Faculty member James Collins discuss a low-cost, paper-based diagnostic system that they developed for detecting specific strains of the Zika virus, with the goal that it could soon be used in the field to easily screen blood, urine, or saliva samples. Credit: Wyss Institute...
Video/AnimationGastrointestinal Re-ProgrammingIn this animation, see an example of how genetically engineered microbes being developed by researchers at the Wyss Institute could detect and treat a wide range of gastrointestinal illnesses and conditions. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationAntibiotic EfficacyIn this video, Wyss Institute Core Faculty member James Collins and Michael Lobritz explain how antibiotics can have vastly different effects on pathogenic bacteria and suggest potential implications for improving antibiotic treatments in infected patients. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationToehold SwitchesIn this animation, Wyss Institute Postdoctoral Fellow Alex Green, Ph.D., the lead author of “Toehold Switches: De-Novo-Designed Regulators of Gene Expression”, narrates a step-by-step guide to the mechanism of the synthetic toehold switch gene regulator. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationProgrammable Paper: Advances in Synthetic BiologyWyss Institute scientists discuss the collaborative environment and team effort that led to two breakthroughs in synthetic biology that can either stand alone as distinct advances – or combine forces to create truly tantalizing potentials in diagnostics and gene therapies. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University.
Video/AnimationBone Marrow-on-a-ChipWyss Institute Founding Director Don Ingber, Postdoctoral Fellow Yu-suke Torisawa, and Researcher Catherine Spina explain how and why a they built bone marrow-on-a-chip, and how they got it to act like whole living marrow and manufacture blood cells. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationVibrating Mattress: Preventing Infant ApneaWhat if we could prevent infant apnea? Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University