Multimedia: Video/Animation
490 Results for 'Video/Animation'
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News 205
Multimedia 285
Video/Animation20-ish Questions with Natalie Artzi20-ish Questions shows a different side of Wyss Institute faculty, touching on aspects of their personal life, hobbies, interests, as well as their research. This round follows Natalie Artzi, a new addition to the Wyss Institute’s Core Faculty. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationProgress, Potential, and Possibilities with Luba Perry, Ph.D. – Bioengineered Breast Reconstruction And AugmentationEach episode of this podcast includes a discussion with fascinating people designing a better tomorrow. Luba Perry, Ph.D. is Co-Founder and CEO of ReConstruct Bio, an innovative venture emerging from Harvard’s Wyss Institute, aimed at redefining the fields of medical reconstruction and aesthetics with an initial application of their groundbreaking technology on breast reconstruction and...
Video/AnimationDoriNano – Improved DNA Origami Nanodelivery to Fight Cancer and Other DiseasesWe’re developing DNA Origami nanodelivery, which is transforming nanoparticle industry. Developed at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University, this innovative approach overcomes the challenges of other nanoparticles, offering stability, high drug loading capacity, nano-scale control of cargo spacing, and more – making it a highly customizable solution for delivering...
Video/AnimationProject Air: Bioinspired Sensor of Volatile CompoundsWe are bringing to market an innovative, bioinspired sensor of volatile compounds that gives building operators confidence in the measurement of gasses indoors and provides guidance to achieving healthy indoor air quality (IAQ). Project Air is affordable, accurate, and highly sensitive thanks to the advanced data collection and processing implemented to substantially increase the reliability...
Video/AnimationArbor Armor: Could FcMBL Save The Peach Industry?Brown rot is one of the most devastating peach diseases, affecting both home and commercial orchards. When a member of the Wyss community discovered the disease on his peach tree, he mentioned his concerns with others in our community. What he didn’t expect was that his colleague potentially had a novel solution using an existing...
Video/AnimationDeep-dive Molecular Blueprinting of Therapeutic Nanostructures | Anastasia ErshovaAnastasia Ershova, a scientist at the Wyss, introduces the innovative field of bionanotechnology. In this talk from LabWeek Field Building, she explores how this cutting-edge science is revolutionizing therapeutics and diagnostics by building molecules that interact with the body in novel ways. Ershova discusses DNA nanotechnology, where DNA is used as a material to create...