Adama leads a dynamic team of bioscientists and bioengineers at the Wyss focussing on integrating and manipulating materials to develop novel biomaterials, micro-fluidic systems and bio-sensing analytical devices for medical/environmental diagnostics and industrial applications. She has over 17 years of experience working within the space of translational science and bridging the gap between research and industry. Current research areas and interests are integrating biochemical sensing functionality into organ on the chip platform, Micro-bioreactors and novel “smart” biomaterials. Having obtained her bachelor degree in environmental chemistry and molecular science at University of Sussex UK and her MSc and PhD from the Institute of Bioscience and Technology at Cranfield University she moved to Denmark to do an Industrial Marie Currie Postdoctoral fellowship on rapid prototyping and Micro-factories at the Danish Technological Institute. After completing her fellowship in Denmark she joined the Unit of measurement technology (MITY) at the University of Oulu, Finland as a Project Manager and principle investigator. She is currently leads the bio sensing, microfluidic and diagnostic group at the Wyss.