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Carmen Escobedo Lucea

Visiting Researcher

Carmen Escobedo Lucea

Carmen is the Director at the Research Foundation of General Hospital in Valencia, a historic institution founded in 1409. She is also the Principal Investigator of the Biomedical and Tissue Engineering Lab (BTELab) at the same center. Her roles extend further as she is recognized as a Distinguished Researcher in the Plan GenT of Excellence in Comunitat Valenciana

With over 15 years of specialized expertise in human stem cells and regenerative medicine, Carmen has previously held significant roles as a PI at the University of Helsinki and Tokyo Women’s Medical University. Her scientific contributions are marked by the development of novel methods for human stem cell isolation and culture. Her pioneering research in mesenchymal stem cells has not only led to innovative immunomodulatory and wound healing applications but has also resulted in two patents. Additionally, she has created models and substitutes using engineering approaches and xeno-free cell derivatives.

As a visiting researcher at the Wyss Institute since 2017, Carmen has collaborated with Professor Christopher Chen aiming to create functional vascularized full-thickness skin in vitro.

Carmen’s contribution to her field has been recognized with numerous accolades, including the Academy of Finland Research Fellow and the Idea Prize for Biotechnologists under 35. She earned her PhD in Molecular and Clinical Biology from the University of Valencia, receiving the distinction of best PhD of the year for her dissertation.

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