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Video/AnimationAcoustophoretic PrintingHavard researchers have developed acoustophoretic printing, a method that uses 3D printing technology and highly localized sound waves to generate of droplets with defined sizes and a wide range of viscosities.
Audio/PodcastBiofilms: Reprogramming Bacteria to Improve LivesWyss Core Faculty member Neel Joshi and Postdoctoral Fellow Anna Duraj-Thatte discuss the intersection between synthetic biology and materials science as an underexplored area with great potential to positively affect our daily lives—applications ranging from manufacturing to medicine. Dr. Joshi outlines ways that his lab at the Wyss Institute is looking at reprogramming bacteria in...
Video/AnimationBioprinting: The Kidney’s Proximal TubulesIn this video, see how the Wyss Institute team has advanced bioprinting to the point of being able to fabricate a functional subunit of a kidney. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationLiquid Gated MembranesThe first part of this animation compares the transmembrane pressure (TMP) between a standard filter and a liquid gated membrane filter (depicted by pressure gauge in bottom right corner). The second part of the animation shows the tendency of each system to clog up due to fouling. The liquid gated membrane filter results in a...
Audio/PodcastDisruptive: Confronting SepsisIn this episode of Disruptive, Wyss Institute Founding Director Don Ingber and Senior Staff Scientist Mike Super discuss how their team developed a new therapeutic device inspired by the human spleen. This blood-cleansing approach can remove sepsis-causing pathogens from circulating blood without ever needing to know their identity. In animal studies, treatment with this device...
Video/AnimationFluid GateIn this video, the fluid-based gating mechanism separates gas and water. The fluid-filled pores system leverages pressurization to control the opening and closing of its liquid gates, making it extremely precise at separating mixed materials. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationBioinspired Blood Repellent CoatingIn this video, Wyss Institute Founding Director Don Ingber, Core Faculty member Joanna Aizenberg, Staff Scientist Dan Leslie and Postdoctoral Fellow Anna Waterhouse explain how a coating they developed using FDA-approved materials could prevent blood clotting in medical devices without the use of blood thinners. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationBioinspired Approach to Sepsis TherapyWyss Institute Founding Director Don Ingber, Senior Staff Scientist Michael Super and Technology Development Fellow Joo Kang explain how they engineered the Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) protein to bind to a wide range of sepsis-causing pathogens and then safely remove the pathogens from the bloodstream using a novel microfluidic spleen-like device. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard...
Video/AnimationIntroduction to Sepsis DiagnosticWhat if we could diagnose sepsis in just hours, not days? Wyss Institute researchers discuss their approach to a rapid sepsis diagnostic. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University