Academic Openings

Postdoctoral Fellows
We welcome applications for academic appointments at all times. While the Wyss Institute is not an academic department, nor does it have a core educational component, we have created a unique interdisciplinary research environment. Undergraduates, graduate students, fellows, and young clinicians work at the Wyss Institute sites and are mentored by Core and Associate Faculty, and by members of the Advanced Technology Team.
The interdisciplinary nature of the work, the organization of teams within Collaboratories, and the presence of outstanding faculty and staff, provide a truly trans-disciplinary environment, where students are trained in the emerging field of Biologically Inspired Engineering. Students may visit individual faculty pages to view lab websites and inquire about open positions.
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellow – Immunology -
Academic Position
Visiting Graduate Researcher – Brain-Targeted Nanoparticles -
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellow – Aryl hydrocarbon receptor -
Academic Position
Visiting Student – Microchip Fabrication -
Academic Position
Molecular Robotics Postdoctoral Fellowship for Cytosolic Delivery of dsRNA Nanostructures for Innate Immunotherapeutics -
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellow – Modeling Intestinal Diseases and Therapeutic Responses in Human Organ Chips -
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellow – Multiplex Genome Editing and Stem Cell Engineering with a Focus on Cell-based Therapies and Tissue Engineering -
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellow – Reproductive Biology -
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellowship – Hierarchical self-assembly of DNA origami into addressable microstructures -
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellow – DNA-Nanostructured Therapeutic Delivery Vehicles -
Academic Position
Postdoctoral Fellow – 3D Bioprinting of Functional Kidney Tissues -
Academic Position
Visiting Graduate Researcher (Master’s Degree Intern) – Brain Shuttle Discovery in the Brain Targeting Program -
Academic Position
Visiting Student & Internship Opportunities

Wyss Technology Development Fellows
The Institute seeks to discover, recruit, encourage and retain individuals of outstanding talent and technical skills to help advance the Institute's Enabling Technology Platforms as Wyss Technology Development Fellows. The Fellowships are intended for brilliant young women and men of great promise with outstanding technical expertise who have completed their doctoral degree within the last five years.

Wyss Clinical Fellows
The Institute seeks to encourage and support outstanding young clinicians with background and interest in engineering or technology development who can help create new transformational bioinspired technologies, to solve unmet medical needs. The Clinical Fellowship is intended for clinical residents who have completed the third year of their clinical residency at one of our medical collaborating institutions and who seek to spend one or two years conducting research targeted towards medical applications.