Join our distinguished panel of leading biomedical scientists and physicians who share an interest in liver biology and disease as they build a bridge between basic science and liver disease. This year’s Symposium features many Massachusetts researchers presenting on the exciting and pivotal research happening in our own backyard.
This all-day event is held annually to honor Irwin (Win) Arias. The primary focus is to strengthen existing ties between the liver research community across the Boston/Cambridge “hub,” and also reach further to forge new ones, all within and across the academic-industrial-clinical research axis.
This year’s program is free for all trainees, and will include a poster session, and a post-program reception. All poster submissions from grad students and postdoctoral trainees will be considered for a poster prize, and a select few will be chosen to give a “Poster Teaser” – a 1 minute / 1 slide oral pitch to the entire audience before the lunchtime poster session.
Wyss Faculty member Sangeeta Bhatia is one of the event’s organizers.