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Federation of the Israel Societies for Experimental Biology


ILANIT conference, held once every three years in Eilat, brings together the Societies of Experimental Biology in Israel and is a true celebration of science showcasing the high quality of research in the country.

This unique symposium brings together researchers, graduate students and postdocs from all the Israeli Universities, Research Institutes and Hospitals, for mutual updates of cutting-edge data related to all the disciplines of Biology and Translational Medicine research. The 4-days special gathering facilitates opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaborations among Israeli scientists and researchers.

The conference provides exposure to Editors of influential Scientific Journals, top leaders in the Israeli BioMed Industry, and includes plenary lectures by prominent International scientists. Students and postdocs also benefit from soft-skills seminars and round table tutorials of front-line methodologies. Israeli late-stage postdocs are invited to present their work and enjoy the opportunity to get acquainted with Israeli Faculty members and Deans.

Wyss Founding Director Don Ingber is one of the Plenary Speakers.

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