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Jun 29, 2020, 11:30am - 12:45pmLecture
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Join part two of the virtual showcase of Koch Institute cancer researchers who have pivoted existing research to address biomedical challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Four MIT faculty members will share their work developing new treatment strategies and interventions for the disease. After each presentation, a brief moderated Q&A session will allow participants to... Free and open to public -
Nov 13, 2019, 8:30am - 5:00pmSymposium
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Join our distinguished panel of leading biomedical scientists and physicians who share an interest in liver biology and disease as they build a bridge between basic science and liver disease. This year’s Symposium features many Massachusetts researchers presenting on the exciting and pivotal research happening in our own backyard. This all-day event is held annually... Free and open to public -
Sep 20, 2019, 8:20am - 6:00pmWyss Event
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The 10th International Wyss Institute Symposium will focus on Next-Generation Diagnostics; convening the Institute’s vast network of collaborators, students, researchers, faculty and clinicians alongside industrial researchers, and members of academic institutions and foundations leading the development of diagnostics technology. This year’s Symposium will highlight the latest developments of this emerging field and address the need... Free and open to public -
Sep 3, 2019
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The GSAS Harvard Biotechnology Club 20th anniversary symposium will celebrate 20 years of student-driven connections between academia and industry. This meeting will highlight seminal achievements in biotech innovation and commercialization that have occurred since the inception of the club in 1999, especially those which have made a measurable impact on patients’ lives. A theme of... -
Jun 6, 2019, 5:30pm - 8:30pmWorkshop
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Wyss Associate Faculty member and National AWIS Councilor Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia will be a featured speaker and give a career talk. She will discuss her career trajectory and her work as a Councilor on the Board of AWIS National. The Wyss Institute is also sponsoring a table. The MASS AWIS Open House is a forum... Free and open to public