Application Area: Rehabilitation
104 Results for 'Rehabilitation'
- Technologies (13)
- Collaborations (0)
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- News (60)
- Pages (0)
- Multimedia (31)
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- Jobs (0)
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Technologies 13
Injectable Hydrogel Adhesive for Improved Muscle Regeneration
A super-strong, stretchy, and self-healing biomaterial that adheres to muscles and helps them heal faster after injury. -
ReConstruct: Vascularized tissue for breast reconstruction and augmentation
ReConstruct is a platform for growing, vascularizing, and implanting patient-derived tissues that enable safer breast reconstruction after cancer surgery. -
Soft hydrogel electrodes for better, safer implants
Soft, conductive hydrogels match the physical properties of the human brain, enabling the creation of electrodes and implantable devices that can improve brain-machine interfaces while reducing the risk of injury. -
Soft Robotic Glove for Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
The soft robotic glove helps restore lost hand function in patients with neurological conditions using inflatable chambers that gently bend and straighten the fingers repeatedly. Wyss startup Imago Rehab launched in 2021 to commercialize this technology for at-home rehabilitation of stroke survivors, and aims to expand its offerings into other areas of rehabilitation. -
Tough Gel Adhesives for Wound Healing
A Band-Aid® adhesive bandage is an effective treatment for stopping external bleeding from skin wounds, but an equally viable option for internal bleeding does not yet exist. Surgical glues are often used inside the body instead of traditional wound closure techniques like stitches, staples, and clips because they reduce the patient’s time in the hospital... -
FOAMs: Soft Robotic Artificial Muscles
Soft robots, similar to living organisms, are made from compliant materials that allow them great flexibility and adaptability for tasks at the human-robot interface and elsewhere. To enable soft robotic missions in different industrial, exploratory, and medical settings, engineers are trying to equip them with artificial muscles that could enable them to move smoothly, efficiently...
News 60
Multimedia 31
Video/AnimationReConstruct – 3D Bioprinted Vascularized Fat Tissues for Breast ReconstructionBreast cancer affects 15% of all women. Current options for breast reconstruction are insufficient and have poor patient outcomes. A research team at the Wyss Institute is addressing this clinical need by fabricating vascularized adipose tissue flaps for therapeutic use. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationHow can we restore mobility to the sick and injured?Researchers at the Wyss Institute are working to improve treatment outcomes for patients suffering from reduced mobility. This video focuses on two platform technologies that could improve the quality of life for these patients: stochastic resonance and wearable soft robotics. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationReimagining Robots to be Smaller, Softer, and SaferWyss Associate Faculty members, Conor Walsh and Rob Wood, discuss their visions for the future of bio-inspired soft robotics. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Audio/PodcastEngineering Adhesive Biomaterials to Improve Healing – ThinkResearch PodcastBen Freedman, Ph.D., discusses his research on the design and synthesis of adhesive biomaterials for applications in orthopedic and cardiovascular surgery, as well as neurosurgery.
Video/AnimationJanus Tough Adhesives for Tendon RepairThere is a large unmet need for tendon regeneration therapies after injury. Building upon the tough gel adhesive technologies developed at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University and the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, researchers from these institutions collaborated with a group at Novartis to create the Janus Tough Adhesives (JTAs). This two-sided...
Video/AnimationSoft Robots Aiding the Elderly and People with Physical ImpairmentsAn interdisciplinary team at Harvard University School of Engineering and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University is building soft robots for older adults and people with physical impairments. Examples of these robots are the Assistive Hip Suit and Soft Robotic Glove, both of which have been included in the 2021-2022 Smithsonian Institution exhibit entitled “FUTURES.”...