Discipline: Bioinformatics
100 Results for 'Bioinformatics'
- Technologies (9)
- Collaborations (2)
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- News (77)
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- Multimedia (12)
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Technologies 9
Wearable Technology for True Movement Quantification
WurQ combines wearable sensors, with deep learning and signal processing algorithms, to assess the amount, quality, and intensity of functional movements and strength training activities. This quantitative data enables feedback, guidance, and gamification at scale to improve users fitness routines and health. -
OrbitSeq: A Collaborative Digital Hub for Life Sciences Data
OrbitSeq is a digital platform that empowers life sciences researchers to browse, upload, and analyze datasets, and easily collaborate with each other to bring science closer together and speed up the pace of discovery. -
Athlete-Derived Probiotics
FitBiomics is commercializing probiotic supplements based on unique combinations of microbes found in elite athletes’ guts to help optimize the health and function of all humans. -
FISSEQ: Fluorescent In Situ Sequencing
Working copies of active genes — called messenger RNAs or mRNAs —translate the genetic information present in DNA into proteins within the cells’ multiple compartments. They are often positioned strategically within cells in ways that contribute critically to how cells and tissues grow, develop and function, and their mislocation can lead to disease development. To... -
Microfluidic Hemostasis Monitor
The body’s ability to stop bleeding, also known as hemostasis, is critical for survival. For patients with blood clotting disorders, medical conditions requiring the use of anticoagulation or antiplatelet drugs, or who require treatment with extracorporeal devices that circulate their blood outside of the body, it is essential that care providers can rapidly monitor their... -
Flexi-Mitts: Neuromoter and Cognitive Ability Tracker
Advances in medical care have improved the survival of very low birth weight premature infants but at the same time have also led to an increased number of surviving infants with reduced cerebral growth and long-term neurodevelopmental motor, cognitive, and social morbidities. These complications are met by a lack of early assessment tools for diagnosing...
Collaborations 2
Brigham-Wyss DxA
The Wyss DxA's clinical partners from Brigham and Women’s Hospital identify the most pressing unmet diagnostic needs, provide access to high-quality patient samples for our Biomarker Discovery Laboratory (BDL) and Brigham-Wyss DxA collaborators, and provide invaluable feedback and guidance on the engineering and validation of cost-effective, sensitive, and specific diagnostic tests. -
Biomarker Discovery Laboratory (BDL)
Bridging the diagnostic gap from biomarker discovery to market-ready test kits and instruments through cutting-edge technology development and clinical collaboration.
News 77
Multimedia 12
Video/AnimationWyss Institute Brain Targeting ProgramThis animation explains how Wyss Institute researchers and their industry partners aim to identify novel transport targets and shuttle compounds to enable more effective delivery of drugs to the brain. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University.
Video/AnimationInterrogator: Human Organ-on-ChipsThis video describes the “Interrogator” instrument that can be programmed to culture up to 10 different Organ Chips and sequentially transfer fluids between their vascular channels to mimic normal human blood flow between the different organs of our body. Its integrated microscope enables the continuous monitoring of the tissues’ integrities in the individual organ chips...
Video/AnimationHip-only Soft Exosuit for both Walking and RunningThis video demonstrates the use of the hip-assisting exosuit in different natural environments, and shows how the robotic device senses changes in the gait-specific vertical movements of the center of mass during walking and running to rapidly adjust its actuation. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Video/AnimationSoft Exosuit: Human-in-the-Loop Bayesian OptimizationResearchers from the Wyss Institute and Harvard SEAS have developed a human-in-the-loop Bayesian optimization method to personalize the hip assistance that a soft exosuit can provide. The optimized assistance helps reduce metabolic cost compared to walking without the device, or with the device not further personalized. Credit: Harvard Biodesign Lab/Harvard Agile Robotics Lab Learn more...
Video/AnimationPrimer Exchange ReactionIn this video, Jocelyn Kishi illustrates how Primer Exchange Reaction (PER) cascades work to autonomously create programmable long single-stranded DNA molecules. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University.
Audio/PodcastFormer DI Hoopster Searches For Athletic Boost In The MicrobiomeFormer DI Hoopster Searches For Athletic Boost In The Microbiome was originally broadcast on WBUR’s Only a Game on August 4, 2017. The story features Wyss Core Faculty member George Church and Postdoctoral Fellow Jonathan Scheiman. The original broadcast story can be found here.